Last week was a school holiday week. On the Tuesday itself mummy brought me to Bugis Junction to watch movie (G-Force). It was so funny that I laughed throughout the show. Worth it! U guys should go and watch it! One of the character who was a guinea pig even had a facebook account! It was so funny! But there was no poster for me to take picture with.

Planet 51!! I want to watch this movie!! seems that there are many cartoons coming soon and all I also want to watch! Yeah!

UP!! Seen this show yet? Very touching movie!

After movie we walked around shopping....I saw this cap which was so cute. It even had adult size too but was too expensive. Mummy said she just bought for me and she was not going to buy for herself although she loved it too. She even bought me a dairy book and decorated the cover page until so pretty...she even brought me to have snacks at the bubble-tea shop. My mummy so nice hor.... I love my mummy! Shopping with her is always so fun!

That was the best holiday spent during the whole week!