December holidays! Yes I am having school holidays now. But then I still have to go to my studentcare centre as my parents work. I have a sketch in school too. The title of my sketch is "The clobbers". I hope I didn't spell wrongly. Hehehe....:p In this play, my face was drawn green by the makeup artist. I wore a green overall and I had a chance to present a solo speech! Mummy was surprised! Later I will update the pictures here.....
My studentcare centre brought us a few excursions in this month. Sentosa, Botanical Garden, Raffles JC camp. Science centre, etc. It was fun to go out with my classmates.
Mummy and daddy bought me a pair of roller blades for Christmas present! SO fun! My neighbour taught me how to play. Now i know and i enjoy it!
Well, i will stop here for the time being. Bye!!