Exams are coming soon, daddy banned me from playing computer games, so sad... :'(
Recently i have been appointed as monitress in class. And i was also appointed as a model pupil in my class. I went up the stage to collect the model pupil badge and a cert from my principal....i was being chosen to join the library activity too. Not everyone can join the library activity. I completed the activity by reading more storybooks. I was awarded a prize from the club too. Some of my friends who were lucky to be chosen to join the library activity did not even complete the activity!
Mummy bought me a puppy one month ago. It's a female maltese cross silky terrier. It is very cute and it's name is Coco. Now it has grow up abit and fatter too. She even bites me when i try to play with her. Daddy said it's because it is not afraid of me as i'm too small size and i'm afraid of her. But it is still cute! I like it very much. See her picture below.