Actually mummy wanted to pierce my ears onmy birthday. But then i kept asking to do it early so she brought me to pierce after my music class. We went to a silver shop to pierce and at first the lady did not want to do for me because yesterday she had a small girl kept crying and screaming after piercing one ear. Then her mummy need to coax her many times to get the other ear done. So mummy asked me if i really wanted to pierce my ears and warned me not to cry. I nodded my head and said that i'm not afraid of the pain and promised not to cry. But then daddy heart pain for me...hahaha...In the end, when the lady was piercing one ear, daddy covered his eyes said dared not see...hahaha....Anyway i got my ears pierced and i chose pink diamonds studs...
After that, we went to uncle Gerard's house because his computer was spoilt. Then i play with Ryan and uncle gerard till about 9pm and went back home.

Look! My ear! haha....ooh...pain....